Friday, 28 June 2019

Inquiry Term 2 Week 8


For inquiry this year I have been doing the 'Market Day.' The Market day is a day in term 3 when me and my group, plus everyone else in the Batten team (I think the Hillary hub do it at a different time.) do a thing where we all set up a stand and sell things or set up fair games for people to play. Speaking of my group, I am in a group with 2 other people, Martin & Joshua. We've got a super good idea. People said that in the past, people have gotten big bucks by this idea that we're doing like, about $200.00 dollars. It was a fair game where you set up 4 pieces of wood in a square shape,spread out some prizes then tape chicken wire above the 4 pieces of wood.  People stand 2 steps back and throw any coin in. If your coin lands on a chocolate bar or any other treat we put under the chicken wire, you win it. And that's it. Here's a drawing of what it would look like:

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