Friday 4 December 2020

Week 7 Term 4


I went to a place called olympia gym and I learnt how to do tricks with hula hoops, stand on beams and do tricks, tricks on trampolines and did a course. It was fun. The rest of the week was normal, but here is a picture.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Cantamath Blog


For the past five or so weeks, my class, including me, has been doing an activity named Cantamath. What happens is you make a project with could be a game, a dynamic model, a poster, a motive, and many other things. You must make two of these projects in under five weeks and will be judged after that. There are three ratings: Excellince (being the best), highly commended (being the second best), and nothing (just nothing). I made: a slide ball labyrinth type game with two of my other friends, and a motive for next year's Cantamath competition. Here's some pictures:

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Term 3 Week 4


In class we're doing this thing called lit circles. How it works is you read a book and do specific tasks on the chapter/chapters you read, like for instance, finding words you don't know what they mean in the book, finding the definition, and putting the word into your own sentence to prove you know what the word means. There are many other tasks, and I'm reading the book: A series of Unfortunate events: The Bad Beginning. but lately I've come to a problem. I lost my book. Either I lost it or someone took mine because mine was in better condition than theirs. There's a number on the books which tells which book was which. Mine was 1009. I'm fairly sure that mine was the only book in all of the Hillery Hub which was in excellent condition.

Friday 15 May 2020

Week 5 Term 2


It was Mother's day last Sunday. I've been practising making pikelets so I made them for Mum on Mother's Day. They turned out really well and weren't deformed unlike my last ones :)
My sisters also made cards and art pieces.

Ever since level 3 I've been doing mountain biking. It's waaaay more fun than doing rando bike rides here and there.

It's lockdown level 2! We just need to wait until Monday and then we'll be going back to school.

Anyway, I've been doing alot of work this week and I'm feeling good that I've got a lot of weight off my shoulders and I have more free time now.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Anzac Biscuit task


There was an anzac task to make anzac biscuits, here they are!
I also made a picture showing what the soldiers would usually get in their packages!

Monday 4 May 2020

Anzac Day Poster


A few days ago it was Anzac day so me and my class has been tasked with making an Anzac day poster telling people to remember the war and how many people died. Here's my poster:
My Poster

Friday 24 April 2020

Term 2 Week 3


This week I've decided to train for cross country.
It's really fun, and if I were to run around a 400m track, I can do it in 1.24 minutes!!
That's my best on 400m, but when I run 3km, I can only run it in 15 minutes. So that's been great.

I'd have to say reading is the most fun, because who wouldn't want to make a catapult out of lego or make a fake text between two characters in a story?

To stay in touch with our teachers, we have this app called 'Zoom' it's pretty much an app where you invite people to a video call and chat about stuff in / or not in lockdown. And I'd have to say it's a lot less laggy then some other video call apps. I'm looking at you Google Duos!!