Friday, 21 September 2018

Ramere 21 Mahuru reflection

Ramere 21 Mahuru


What went well was the altar serving, it was fun because I got everything right and I thought I was good in it. Also in my math because I learnt the different types of charts & graphs, in which case, is something I hadn't known much before.

It could be even better if we did sprints more in the practise for athletics, I love sprints!

In conclusion this week was really fun!

Friday, 14 September 2018

Week 7 Term 3 Reflection

Ramere 14 Mahuru


This week is Maori week so we do the date and the roll in Maori. It's also Social Justice week so we have been doing Prayers about the people that are Unique.

The badminton is over so we have moved fitness day from Wednesday to Thursday.

I think that Badminton was really fun and I want to try out more fast sport.

I wonder if Social Justice week will turn into Social Justice month.

I learned about scales, graphs and how to turn data (Random Numbers) into a scale or graph to prove either right or wrong.