Friday, 4 May 2018

Term 2 learning reflections

Hi, in week 1 term 2 the whole class has been designing masks from different countries such as China, India and Japan.  We are going to make and wear the masks with the materials like paper mache and some other stuff.  We are going to make any kind of masks as long as it compares with a planet, made up or real like, cat planet, metal universe or any strange thing that compares with the storyline. We've also been doing some other stuff this term like trying to make stories that we need to do in this order, prewrite (brain drain), draft (sloppy copy), revise (neat sheet), edit (goof proof), publish (glory story!) and that's all for that I guess. This week has been awesome! And I will show you what I want my mask to look like:

I've also done some other things like the cross country:

And making our masks: